3D그래픽2011. 10. 28. 16:48

Parameter Value(*) Description
GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS 16(8) This is the sum of the maximum number of texture units available in the vertex + fragment shaders. The minimum value is eight.
GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE 2048(16) The value gives a rough estimate of the largest cube-map texture that the GL can handle. The value must be at least 16.
GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS 1024(16) This is the maximum number of vec4 uniform entries that can be used inside a fragment shader. The minimum value supported by all ES 2.0 implementations is 16 vec4 entries. The number of vec4 uniform entries that can actually be used by a developer can vary from implementation to implementation and from one fragment shader to another.
GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE 3839(1) The value indicates the largest renderbuffer width and height that the GL can handle. The value must be at least 1.
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS 16(8) This is the maximum number of texture image units that are available. The minimum value supported by all ES 2.0 implementations is eight.
GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE 2048(64) The value gives a rough estimate of the largest texture that the GL can handle. The value must be at least 64.
GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS 15(8) This is the maximum number of varying vectors; that is, the number of vec4 entries that can be output by a vertex shader. The minimum value supported by all ES 2.0 implementations is eight(8) vec4 entries.
GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS 16(8) This is the maximum number of vertex attributes that can be specified. The minimum value supported by all ES 2.0 implementation is eight.
GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS 0(0) This is the maximum number of texture units available in a vertex shader. The minimum value is 0, which implies that the implementation does not support a vertex texture fetch.
GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS 256(128) This is the maximum number of vec4 uniform entries that can be used inside a vertex shader. The minimum value supported by all ES 2.0 implementations is 128 vec4 entries. The number of of vec4 uniform entries that can actually be used by a developer can vary from implementation and from one vertex shader to another. For example, 1. some implementations might count user-specified literal values used in a vertex shader against the uniform limit. 2. implementation-specific uniforms (or constants) might need to be included depending on whether the vertex shader makes use of any built-in transcendental functions. Note that there currently is no mechanism that it can use in a particular vertex shader. You can be noticed by compilation error log.
GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS 3839x3839 The maximum supported width and height of the viewport. These must be at least as large as the visible dimensions of the display being rendered to.
 * The value inside () is the minimum specification.

Posted by 세월의돌
윈도우폰2011. 10. 27. 10:43
국내에서는 아직 좀 생소한 노키아에서 윈도우폰7.5를 출시하나보다. (물론 해외)
노키아의 회생의 여부를 가를 수 있는 중요한 모델이 되지 않을까 생각된다.
디자인도 깔끔한 것 같고, 광고 대로라면 속도도 빠른 것 같고, 국내에 출시가 된다면 어느정도의 반향을 불러 일으킬 수 있을 것 같은데...
들리는 소문에 의하면 KT에서 가장 먼저 윈도우폰을 출시 할 거라던데, 힘을 좀 더 써서 올해 안에 동시에 출시해 주면 좋겠다.

아래는 Nokia Lumia 800 관련 동영상 두 개.
하나는 디자이너가 나와서 디자인에 대해 설명하고 있고, 두 번째는 광고영상이다.
광고는 보고 있으면 중독성이 있다. 광고 잘 만드네... 

Posted by 세월의돌