* Adds include and library path to the all projects by default
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets">
<PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" />
<ItemDefinitionGroup />
<ItemGroup />
* Changes the options to use static libraries
Open the project property page and change the options as follows for the property, C/C++ > Code Generation > Runtime Library.
Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd) for the Debug Configuration
Multi-threaded (/MT) for the Release Configuration
* (Optional) Adds the 3rd party libraries to make linker working properly
(Do this if you decide to use the 3rd party libraries. Refer to https://github.com/cnjinhao/nana/wiki/Configuration-of-Third-Party-Libraries-for-Nana)
Open the project property page and add the following line to the property, Linker > Input > Additional Dependeicies.
* (Optional) Gets rid of the console window
- Open the project property page.
- Change the options as follows for the property, Linker > System > SubSystem.
Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS) - Add the following keyword to the property, Linker > Advanced > Entry Point.